The Horse Fix
The Horse Fix is your "Go To" podcast. Learn how the Horse influences your life as a whole. Get innovative training tips on many disciplines from Multi-World Champion, Dr. Sandra Holt. PhD in Equine Behavioral Science.
41 episodes
Embracing 'Enough': The Transformative Journey of Horses, Self-Discovery, and Growth
Choosing a guiding word for the year can be transformative, and for me, embracing “enough” has been a journey of self-acceptance and growth. This episode starts with my reflections on the concept of being "enough" and how it guides us toward co...

Finding Confidence and Connection in the Saddle Again
Picture this: You've been out of the saddle for weeks, recovering from surgery, and now it's time to face your beloved horse again. How do you overcome the fear and regain your confidence? Join Dr. Sandra Holt and Nora Dhondt in this episode of...

Life Lessons from the Arena
Can participating in horse shows truly shape a child's character? Join me as I chat with parents Candy Bobo, Clay Funderburk, and Samantha Beasley, who share their heartfelt stories and insights into the transformative power of horse shows for ...
Season 3
Episode 33

Unyielding Spirit - The Art of Never Giving Up
In this episode I talk about sticking to it -where we tackle the essence of grit and the art of not giving up. We delve into the incremental nature of self-growth, and why the search for progress is more powerful than the quest for perfec...

Unbridled Conversations with Nora Dhondt on horses, convictions, and life.
Horse ownership is a journey of responsibility and emotional connection, and in this episode, I'm thrilled to be joined by the ever-sparkling Nora Dhondt as we traverse the highs and lows that come with the territory. Our heartfelt discussion k...

The Power of Connection: Plugging in to People, Horses, and Life, with Pastor Joel Ashford.
Have you ever witnessed the transformative effect of a horse's gentle nuzzle, or the way trust can be silently woven between human and animal? I'm Dr. Sandra Holt, and this episode is a heartwarming testament to the power of connection and rede...

Going With The Flow: Embracing Oppurtunites For Personal Growth And Mastering Communication With Horse and Human
Life has a way of testing our ability to adapt, a lesson poignantly illustrated by the recent loss of my mother at the age of 93. Her legacy of resilience in the face of constant change has profoundly shaped my outlook, especially as I navigate...

The Hidden Depths of Horse Racing, From Dream to Reality; Interview with Dr. Gearald Farris
Get ready to venture into the captivating world of horse training, racing, and their profound impact on youth, as I, Dr. Sandra Holt, have an intriguing conversation with Thoroughbred racehorse owner and expert, Dr. Gearald Farris. Fir...

The Human Side of Horses
Ever wondered why we attribute human traits to our horses or pets? This intriguing concept, known as anthropomorphism, is the key theme for this episode of Horse Fix. We journey into this fascinating world and discuss how, despite our pets' ina...

Navigating Tough Times: Strength, Perseverance, and Faith in Life's Challenging Moments
Have you ever found yourself navigating tough times, feeling overwhelmed by guilt or worry? I've been there, and in this heartfelt episode, I share my personal experience of visiting my 92-year-old mother in the hospital after she sustained a b...

Obligation, Ambition, Integrity, and Responsibility (Do you own those traits?)
In this Episode Dr. Sandra Holt , Equine Behavioral Specialist, gives you insight on developing and enhancing your own Obligation, Ambition, Integrity and Responsibility. Take a listen to this profound interview with a person ...
Season 3
Episode 32

Who Do You Think You Are? How Horses Teach Us To Be Authentic
Are you authentic - true to yourself, and others - to your horse? In this episode Dr. Sandra Holt ( PhD in Horse Behavioral Science) explains how the horse can show you how to capture your athentic self.
Season 3
Episode 31

How To Change Your Fear of Change
If we resist change, we resist growing. Learn how to overcome your fear of changing from Sandi Holt, Human and Animal Behavioral specialist, Sandi Holt will help you to embrace change in a manner that will lead you forward into a fruitful...
Season 3
Episode 30

Confessions of a non-pro Equestrian
In this episode Sandi Holt talks to her friend and student, Nora Dhondt, about how to overcome negative inner-chatter when it comes to tackling riding lessons. If you have ever wanted to avoid pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone thi...
Season 2
Episode 29

When It's Time To Say Goodbye
A Heart Warming episode about saying goodby to our beloved horses. Learn why, how and when to let go. And then share your own stories and questions to Sandi Holt at;infohorsefix@gmail.com.
Season 2
Episode 28

Learning To Learn
Voted number one on the MOST FAVORITE episode from listeners around the world....In this episode Sandi Holt, World Renowned Horsemanship Clinician and Multi World Champion in the Horse Show Circuit, as well as Author of the book
Season 2
Episode 27

The Art of Patience...Perspective from a Non-Pro Rider
We have all heard people say... "I'm 50-years-old, and I'm still riding." Well... How many times have you heard..." I'm 50-years-old and I just started riding"? In this episode I interview a woman, (Lisa Elliot) who began her equest...
Season 2
Episode 26

The Balancing Act, Mentally, Emotionally, and Physically for you and your horse.
Do you feel like your life is well balanced? Or are you juggling so many balls that you fear you will drop one. How about your horse. What are you doing to keep him/her balanced mentally, physically and emotionally? Get tips o...
Season 2
Episode 25

In this episode I interview Wayne Willsie, an authentic cowboy from Sayre Oklahoma who happens to be my husband. Wayne shares a bit of his western ways with horses.
Season 2
Episode 24

Horse Show Blues
In this episode I talk about the challenges, disappointments and unexpected happenings at horse shows. Multiple World Champion, trainer and coach, Tim Wilds joins me to discuss winning show strategies, as well as what to do and wha...
Season 2
Episode 23

Does your horse disagree with you? Are you at a loss as to what to do next? Do you feel a disconnect with your horse? Get solutions for horse challenges and more by Listening to Sandi Holt as she interviews Lauren Jolly from Knot...
Season 2
Episode 22

Reflections, Resolutions, and Results
How many times have you made a New Year's Resolution only to break it in the first month. Sandra (Sandi) Holt shares insightful information on how to make and keep your Horse Resolutions.
Season 2
Episode 21